Autumn is the right time to sum up the things done during the year and share our achievements. Let us present you the latest changes and news in KAN-therm catalogue.
KAN-therm ultraPRESS system release has become one of the most prominent events in the news range. The system has replaced its predecessor KAN-therm Press system that used to be in KAN-therm offer for many years. The new system stands out with light-colored PPSU fittings (16 – 40 mm), expanded range of brass fitting diameters and three sets of professional tools with U and TH pressing jaws: KAN-therm AC ECO, KAN-therm AC 3000 and KAN-therm DC 4000. All the tools are branded with KAN-therm logo.

At the same time to ease the transmission period for our customers, KAN-therm ultraPRESS system is fully compatible with the pre-existing system KAN-therm Press both in terms of fittings and pipes. The system components have the same catalogue codes and prices.
It is also worth noting that the production process of the new system allowed us to reduce the amount of non-recyclable wastes by 50% and become more environment friendly.
In terms of tools we have also thought about small installations and included in our offer KAN-therm Mini Press tools that are suitable and convenient for works in single-family houses and accommodations with limited installation space.

KAN-therm ultraLINE system has also been supplied by new components. The main novelty is a new connecting set, which consists of a brass fitting and two sleeves (PVDF -for ultraLINE and brass for Push) of the corresponding diameters. The set has become a reply to the market demand and allows to combine two KAN-therm systems: Push and ultraLINE. Each fitting side is mounted on appropriate tool, which is presented in the assortment of the KAN-therm PUSH and KAN-therm ultraLINE systems. At the same time a wide diameter range will definitely cover the market needs. Watch an instructional video how to work with the set and tools.

KAN-therm ultraLINE system tools have not been left without attention either. An important addition 2022 is a set of double forks for KAN-therm Push hydraulic tool, which allows the tool to be converted from the Push system to the ultraLINE system in the appropriate diameters.

New fittings are added into the KAN-therm INOX system. The diameter range was extended and the current offer includes: Nipple elbow 45° Inox - 139.7, Nipple elbow 45° Inox - 168.3, Nipple elbow 90° Inox - 139.7, Nipple elbow 90° Inox - 168.3, Female tee Inox - 139.7 Rp3/4, Female tee Inox - 139.7 Rp2.

The last but not least tools that appeared in KAN-therm offer this year are Ritmo PRISMA JIG and McElroy SPIDERTM 125 that are dedicated for connection of polypropylene pipes of the KAN-therm PP, KAN-therm PP Stabi Glass, KAN-therm PP Stabi AL and all types of KAN-therm PP Green systems. Diameter range for welding is from 63-125 mm.

The benefits of these tools are increased assembling speed, wide range of diameters, possibility of assembling in hard-to-reach places and with different angles, quick assembly at the construction site and easy transportation.
Some improvements have also touched the KAN-therm Groove system. To be exact, there appeared a new coupling H307 HDPE that provides a quick, easy and direct transition from HDPE pipes to steel pipes.
The coupling range covers a wide range of pipe diameters (63/60.3, 75/73, 90/88.9, 110/114.3, 160/165.1, 160/168.3, 200/219.1, 250/273, 315/323.9).

Pipes are an integral part of the KAN-therm system. In order to make identification process easier, we have also provided for some changes in the pipe trade names:
KAN-therm ultraLINE system:
- new trade name PERTAL² replaces the previous one PE-RT/Al/PE-RT.
- new trade name PERT² replaces the previous name PE-RT.
- new trade name PEXC replaces the previous name PE - Xc.
KAN-therm ultraPRESS system:
- new trade name PERTAL replaces the previous name PE-RT/Al/PE-RT.
- new trade name PERT replaces the previous name PE - RT.
- new trade name PEXC replaces the previous name PE - Xc.
KAN-therm PUSH system:
- new trade name PEXC replaces the previous name PE – Xc.
- new trade name PERT replaces the previous name PE – RT
Blue floor pipe has also changed its name. Now you can find it under the name blueFLOOR PERT pipe.
We invite you to learn more about KAN-therm offer in our new catalogue.